Clayshire Castle an Medieval Bed & Breakfast

This is Clayshire castle it’s a bed-and-breakfast in Indiana the five room bed-and-breakfast and we’re gonna get a quick look at it and she said they designed it themselves they didn’t really go after a certain cap in its seventh conversion they believed of the castle my oldest daughter was going to be an architect okay she’s drunk plants did our last version when the contractor said you have two weeks yeah we had over about ten years of drawing and how to do it the castle balconies he did make a bigger might make a smaller bit clean well it’s more expensive the bigger it guest yes so we finally ended up City drawing this final version started building in the summer of 2011 yeah no kids or to couples like I’ve had couples we’ve had women come play cards they’ll put four within around yeah and this thing is doubly charged extra have to get over to but we don’t charge for kids okay fireplaces we have a huge has actually seen the originals they were discovered about 1850 in a castle in any one pretty good condition so these are little renditions they stand for the six senses that side of the library’s.

Doug’s he’s an aerospace engineer so it’s all the history and how to’s and blah blah blah and then there’s my side we turn the pivot children’s books the historical fiction the fun stuff picture on for our sketches this is a really good job I did an awesome job credible so you actually can playing it oh yeah yeah it’s a bill it’s been a real tough time with that maze because English hit use like a little bit rain every single day no see you’re hot a lot of my weddings when they’re outdoors right out here we’re gonna have our Medieval Fair again this year’s of your 31 September 24th which it’s a Medieval Fair actually for the first year to have jousting they’re gonna do it.

I was like I’ve never done we’re gonna redo that area there’s a little bit so they have like a big giant banquet or like you know it’s an outdoor event it’s like Renaissance Fairs there’s been there’s entertainers for your shakes I’m gonna see some on the internet baby problems I’ve never been to one of your space there’s turkey legs oh you’re fun to come to yeah we have the Garfield Shakespeare Company coms and last year owner maids of whether this you better curtains as far as keeping the light out I would love that remember they need a chainsaw to get this thing out of here it’s leaving a good solid piece yeah yeah the tile work was amazing he knows it he came in the floor to leave that are in the floor down there he came out from turn two minutes on the main floor we are back behind our kitchens so they can come up here has a double door shower they’re beautiful this is the wine cellar room Burgundy’s and reds and muted colors tapestry the most popular with oh yeah they’re all nice for her because there’s a really cute it’s so you need tiling here yeah this is the one that was real pretty amazing my daughter had a lion and Kayla’s little pieces just kind of hold ups individual pieces so I handed it to Gordon.

I said any chance you could put that in that shower because I knew she’d spent quite a bit of money on is very outdated and so he sits there he stares at it for what ten minutes now to be a Tyler you can’t talk much and he never did so he was finished area and after ten minutes he looks up and says yes get back to it yeah he didn’t think I’d be afraid to touch some idea it’s actually the The Grapes stand out it’s awesome that’s actually from the same place that we’ve got the what I call it in man but it’s a chair and a half so it actually is a wider than your.

Wow guess who what massages she’ll do those values here and that’s changing around forever and even the Grimm’s no it’s just a nephew yeah isn’t hers you have your own puzzles I got that for Christmas from God I love to do puzzles and punches and that one it was actually fairly hard yeah shades of brown my favorite room has two guesses stay over die can can wear a costume I’ve been working on custard pie for about 20 years we have some extra small for extra-large oh boy I’m just amazed I know you would not think anything was like the list with the 200 must do it in the end yeah no doubt my sister oh he was dressed up in a kind of clause outfit like no no no he wasn’t exactly medieval so he’s got a purpose now whoo-hoo-hoo.

Hey that’s bill he had a lot of moves thank you did the chairs – and he was going to be some thrown at the end he was actually was in charge of the woodshop puppet afternoon was graduating and found a girl go to go so he couldn’t get my friends done so I think we got him for you can’t fault the testers were already up here these were some remnant material at my daughter’s room being who is in the interior design had gotten had a place that she had work that was closing said cases like this so I already have these hanging these Caymans and does look at that math on a trip to Bloomington Indiana we accidentally discovered clay Shire Castle it’s a five room medieval style bed-and-breakfast that I have to say surprised and amazed is that something like this is in the middle of the Indiana countryside it’s beautiful if you’re ever in the area go by and check it out and we are definitely planning on going back.